The Oojah Annual 1947

This is the first post-war annual as far as I can tell. It is jam packed with Oojah stories, comic strips and brilliant two-tone illustrations from H.M.Talintyre. In the main story, ‘Uncle Oojah’s Curious Cousin’, the Great Oojah once again attempts to dupe his retinue by posing as someone else. Unlike his disastrous deception in the1940 annual, this time, he gets away with it. Hiding behind dark glasses and an ear trumpet, Oojah seeks to establish whether his friends and relations truly value and revere him. It is quite a bruising encounter but all works out well in the end, except for the Crying Crocodile and Fuzzy Fox who suffer a decidedly medieval fate.

In ‘JerryWangle Runs Away From School’, Uncle Oojah’s lofty education plans for JerryWangle go astray and Fuzzy Fox is back to make hay, while the sun shines. But Jerry soon works out a way to escape school and re-establish his position as chief mischief maker and villain apprehender at the court of the Oojah.

There are also lots of short comic strips in this and the subsequent post-war annuals, all in vivid two-tone colours. It is an Oojah purist’s heaven.